Clean your kid's potty the easy way

Clean your kid's potty the easy way
If you don't clean your kid's potty, you must be pretty gross. For the rest of you who clean your kid's potty, this is for you. Here's how to clean your potty training kiddo's potty the easy way: 1. Empty potty contents into toilet: Pour the potty's contents in your toilet...

Summer incentives for potty training

Summer incentives for potty training
Summer incentives for potty training are an effective way to motivate your child when learning to take care of business in the bathroom and not in diapers. Creativity can go a long way in keeping your kid interested in potty training while ensuring your incentives aren't too painful on your...

Foods your potty training kid should avoid

Foods your potty training kid should avoid
You are what you eat or so the saying goes. The same holds true for your potty training kiddo. It's important to understand which foods will hamper your child's growth and development since your child is your responsibility. Here are five foods your potty training kid should avoid: Hard or...

Potty training goals for the New Year

Potty training goals for the New Year
With the New Year coming up, it's a great to evaluate potty training goals. Here are three potty training goals you should set for the upcoming year to help your child make the transition from diapers to regular underwear: 1. Stay positive: Despite having disappointments and shortcomings, do your best...

Perfect Christmas gifts for potty training children

Perfect Christmas gifts for potty training children
Christmas is just around the corner! We're invested in your potty training success. Here are three perfect Christmas gifts for potty training children: Big kid undies Receiving new big kid underwear is a great way for your potty training child to stay motivated.  Whether your kid loves fun colors or...

Potty training tips during winter time

Potty training tips during winter time
Just because it's winter time doesn't mean your potty training kid can take a break from making the transition to regular underwear. Here are three easy potty training tips to remember during winer time: Stay warm and hydrated Keeping warm may seem like a no-brainer but it's easy to forget....

What to do after a successful potty trip

What to do after a successful potty trip
So your kid was able to take care of business after a pee or poop trip. Now what? Here are three things your kid needs to do after successfully completing a potty trip: 1. Flush the toilet Always teach your kid to flush the toilet after taking care of number one...