How to clean up after a potty training accident

How to clean up after a potty training accident
You've probably heard the old saying that accidents happen. It certainly is the case for any kid making the transition from diapers to regular underwear. Here's what to do when accidents happen: Pee- Accidents happen when it comes to pee. Depending on where the pee accident happened, the cleanup process...

How to know your child is potty trained

How to know your child is potty trained
Potty training can take anywhere from a couple days to several weeks depending on your teaching methods and how ready your child is to make the transition to regular underwear. Here are a few different ways to know potty training is completed: Walks to the bathroom independently: Your child being...

5 common potty training problems

5 common potty training problems
As you may already know, potty training is not without its problems. Here are five common potty training problems that comes with the journey of transitioning your kid from diapers to regular underwear: Paying attention: Focusing on the task at hand can be difficult for your little one. Try to make...

3 All-natural ingredients to have for potty training accidents

3 All-natural ingredients to have for potty training accidents
Accidents happen when potty training so we want to help you be prepared with three key all-natural ingredients. Not only does white vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice are safe cleaning options for your kids, they will help your home smell better. Here are the three ingredients and how you...