3 Easy ways you can use oranges in your bathroom

3 Easy ways you can use oranges in your bathroom
Oranges can do more than just being that you turn into pulp for the sake of having something to drink with your bacon and eggs in the morning. The round citrus fruit can be an effective cleaning tool in your bathroom cleaning arsenal. Here are three easy ways you can...

15 Incredible bathroom hook hacks by Elle of Cleverly Changing*

15 Incredible bathroom hook hacks by Elle of Cleverly Changing*
Hacks often come to mind when you are forced to be creative and use something else for a different purpose than it was originally designed for. Do you have a small bathroom or tons of products and you don’t know where to put them? Have you struggled to find an organization solution that...

How to clean your toilet tank

How to clean your toilet tank
We're sure you clean your toilet bowl, but how often do you clean your toilet tank? Chances are that you don't have a see through toilet tank so you can't tell how dirty your toilet tank is. Your toilet tank can very easily become a breeding ground to bacteria so...

3 Things in your bathroom you should clean more than once a year

3 Things in your bathroom you should clean more than once a year
Your bathroom is a special place. You enter dirty and leave clean. Chances are that you also leave a little lighter thanks to your porcelain throne. Unfortunately, there may be a few items in your bathroom you need to clean more often. Here are three things in your bathroom you...

Easiest way to remove hard water stains from your toilet

Easiest way to remove hard water stains from your toilet
Let's be honest. You may have thought that you'd have a one-word answer as the solution to getting rid of the those tough hard water stains in your toilet bowl.  Like anything in life that's worth your time, this solution will take effort. You'll need to use some elbow grease...