5 quick solutions for 5 different smell sources in your bathroom

5 quick solutions for 5 different smell sources in your bathroom
Bathroom odors can be really nasty if left unchecked. The foul smell can swiftly permeate every inch of your bathroom and become a source of embarrassment when guests drop by and need to use the restroom. Often the simplest solutions to eliminating the dank stench is to open the bathroom...

Check out this natural homemade shower drain cleaner recipe

Check out this natural homemade shower drain cleaner recipe
A clogged shower drain can mean a disgusting odor for days. Here's a natural homemade drain cleaner recipe that only calls for baking and white vinegar: Pour 1.5 cups of regular baking soda down the affected shower drain. Pour 1 cup of white vinegar immediately after pouring baking soda down the drain. Cover...