Potty training successes you should be able to recognize

If you're reading this blog post, you're probably potty training a little one. Potty training comes with its share of struggles but it also comes with its share of successes. The good news is that you're not alone in your journey of taking your kid from diapers to regular underwear. Here are signs of potty training success you should be to recognize:

  • Communicating the need to go: It's hard to know your potty training child has to use the bathroom if your potty training child doesn't tell you. As your kid learns to recognize the urge to go, explain to your kid that he/she needs to let you know when he/she needs to take care of business. This is key especially when you're out of the house running errands or on a road trip. One way to help your kid is to be patient and look for signs that your kid has to use the bathroom. Recognize physical cues and you'll help prevent accidents while helping your kid continue to make progress.
  • Dry bedsheets: Some children struggle more than others when it comes to bedwetting. If your kid is constantly struggling with bedwetting, here's how to clean up after bedwetting accidents. When your potty training child wakes up dry, find ways to celebrate!
  • Big kid underwear: Since the goal is to teach your kid to use the bathroom when needed and transition to regular underwear, a sign of success is that your potty training kid is wearing big kid underwear more often than not. One way to help your kid stay motivated when it comes to wearing regular underwear is by taking your kid with you to pick out underwear at the store. A bright blue collar or one with a crazy geometric pattern may be the difference-maker in keeping your potty training kid excited about potty training.

What signs of potty training success have you learned to recognize? Share with us in the comments below!

As seen on ABC's Shark Tank, the IllumiBowl is a motion-activated toilet night light popular among potty training families and senior citizens. The IllumiBowl makes your toilet glow in order to make late night trips to the bathroom safe and easy. It's powered by three AAA batteries and attaches easily to any toilet seat. This popular product is toilet technology at its best. Who doesn't love a glowing toilet?



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